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Hebrews 12:1 “Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us”

Do you need a radical change in your life? There’s a reason such moments are called “breakthroughs.” It usually implies there are challenges through which you have to persevere to find victory on the other side.

Many years ago, pushing an aircraft past the speed of sound was considered impossible by many engineers and pilots. As planes approached the sound barrier, shock-waves shook the aircraft violently, often to the point that the pilot was unable to maintain control, and the aircraft itself could not withstand the intense vibration. Despite design improvements to the aircraft, the shuddering continued to challenge pilots’ will to push forward. But an interesting change occurred once the plane finally broke through the sound barrier: the shock-waves disappeared, and the plane flew without so much as a bump.

Many of us struggle with personal sound barriers that keep us from breaking through to a new and better life God has for us. We may sense the Lord leading us in a particular direction in life, but along the way difficulties challenge our commitment and willingness to persevere. Finances, family struggles, work-related problems, and other matters wear us down until we give up entirely on what God has called us to do.

True, some circumstances, like illness, may make it necessary to temporarily set plans aside. But we often give up because the challenge of walking the path God has called us to is inconvenient or uncomfortable. That’s why breaking through to greater things starts with building a foundation of support from family and friends. Then we just have to trust in God’s direction and stick with it.

In one word, it’s called ENDURANCE.



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